Friday, June 20, 2008

Sign on the Dotted Line

I was intrigued by suggestion to make a contract with yourself about your life long learning goals and to SIGN the document.

This idea brought to mind an incident from spring of '07 in our Sunday School class that reminded me about the power of our own signature. Our teacher gave us a form to fill out about ourselves, some things we would like to learn, change, explore, pray about, etc. over the course of a year. This was a personal experience not to be shared. We completed the form, signed and dated the bottom then sealed it in an envelope. The envelope was given to our teacher and one year to date, we opened and read our words to see if we followed through on our goals and plans.

Our signature was at the bottom making it binding to ourselves. It was hard to read the words written a year ago since not all goals were reached.

Powerful. Our minds need to keep going and growing until we leave this earth.

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